• Admission Procedure:

Admission notices are issued by the school by way of advertisements and on school display board. The application has to be made in prescribed from to be purchased from the school office during working hours on payment of necessary cost.

Since the seats are limited the general mode of admission will be uniform and any sort of canvassing or any reported attempt to influence the school management will automatically disqualify the students.

The application made in any form other than the one purchased from the school will be summarily rejected. Failure to furnish the required documents to make the application liable for rejection.

Guardians/ students are welcome to visit the school office for any further clarification or information regarding the admission timing and procedure to be followed.

In all matters regarding admission, the decision of school management will be final and binding on all concerned.


  • Syllabus:

The school strictly follows the syllabus prescribed by the CBSE (NCERT).


  • Academic Evaluation:

A student having less than 33% score in every subject & less than 80% attendance will not be granted promotion to next class. Parents are requested to keep a watch on the attendance of their wards, as intimated through the progress reports.

Students are issued report cards after every terminal examination which are required to be returned to the class teacher signed by the guardians as directed.